When it comes to using the internet and setting up accounts on different websites, you need to be careful! When you set up accounts, they ask for some of your personal information. Websites say they are security protected, but you can't believe everything you read on the internet. Also, when you're on a website, on the side of the page you will see ads for free items. They're scams. They ask for your personal information. Such as your social security number and credit card numbers. Never do that. Another thing is getting "phished". "Phished" is getting spammed by emails and other forms being hacked. When this happens you need to change your password. Make sure you are the only one that knows your password. Not even your best friend. Just don't.
Most people think that privacy really doesn't matter, but it does! When it happens to you, you'll realize that your were wrong.
Good, logical information provided here, but the link doesn't work, and I can't see the picture, either! Check your grammar. Sometimes this is as easy as just rereading your own posts.